Higher Education Webinars & Events

Keep up to date with the latest trends and best practices in all things Higher Education with our monthly live events and on-demand webinar series.

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Watch our on-demand webinar recordings designed to help improve and inspire your every day within the world of education. Choose a theme below to get started.
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Trending Topics in Higher Ed
Improving Student Communications
Student Recruitment Resources
Student Conversion Strategies
The Dos & Don'ts of Higher Ed Social Media

The Dos & Don'ts of Higher Ed Social Media

March 27, 2024
Learn from a panel of social media experts and get tips & tricks on how you can successfully manage your higher ed social media channels.
Come utilizzare i social media  per attrarre più studenti nel 2024

Come utilizzare i social media per attrarre più studenti nel 2024

March 14, 2024
Insieme agli esperti di istruzione superiore dell'Università IULM e di Padova esamineremo le ultime tendenze dei social media che vi aiuteranno a migliorare il vostro reclutamento di studenti futuri.
Student Email Marketing Best Practices

Student Email Marketing Best Practices

February 27, 2024
How do you increase engagement and conversions from emails that you send to prospective students? Learn the latest tips & tricks of email marketing for student recruitment.
How to Raise Your International Profile

How to Raise Your International Profile

January 25, 2024
Ideal for small or niche colleges and higher ed institutions, watch this webinar to learn the student recruitment strategies smaller colleges are adopting to stand out in the international market.
What's Ahead for Higher Ed in 2024?

What's Ahead for Higher Ed in 2024?

December 5, 2023
Watch this webinar to hear from a panel of university experts on their predictions for how the international Higher Education landscape will change in 2024.
State of Student Recruitment UK & Europe

State of Student Recruitment UK & Europe

November 14, 2023
Our annual State of Student Recruitment UK & Europe Report provides increasingly crucial insight into the world of prospective students who want to study in Europe.