Best Practices for Keystone Student Newsletters

2 min read

Cassandra Kenning

Do you want to boost brand awareness of your institution and gain visibility in front of a large global student audience that is actively searching for education? If yes, then a feature in our Keystone Student Newsletters is for you.

Every month, we send out 4 targeted newsletters across our active student database featuring content articles, program recommendations, and more based on education level. Make the most of your newsletter slot with these best practice tips below for ultimate student engagement.


1. Appealing image:

Your photo is the first thing that captures students’ attention when they’re reading through our newsletter. This is your chance to show future students what life is like at your university and what you have to offer. Embrace visual storytelling by choosing images that:

  • Show off your unique campus or perks of studying in your city or country
  • Choose candid images of happy students over basic stock photos
  • Include your university logo to promote brand awareness


2. Short and sweet copy:

If you could introduce your institution in just a few short sentences (40-60 words), what would you highlight? Give a general introduction to your university, keeping in mind to cater the content based on your target education level. Focus on:

  • Fast and fun facts
  • Range of programs on offer
  • Any special funding opportunities or upcoming application deadlines


3. Tracking link:

Once students click on your newsletter slot, where do you want them to go? Choose a high-quality landing page from your university’s website that offers valuable information for students– and it’s even better if there’s an option for them to leave their contact information so you can nurture them directly. Some ideas for landing pages include:

  • Programs page by education level
  • International study office
  • Scholarships and funding options


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