Higher Education News

5 Ways to Enhance College Recruitment Efforts

5 min read

Since the dawn of the Internet, the role of a college admissions professional has significantly changed. Of course, prospective student recruiters...

5 Ways to Enhance College Recruitment Efforts
Best Practices for Retargeting in Higher Education


Best Practices for Retargeting in Higher Education

4 min read

Julia Sachs

Studies show that students tend to favor—meaning they both apply and enroll—universities that reach out to them to show...

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How to Use Giveaways to Promote Your Institution


How to Use Giveaways to Promote Your Institution

4 min read

Chelsea Castonguay Stanhope

When it comes to students, handing out swag and hosting giveaways are great ways to put your brand directly into their...

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What's Ahead for Higher Ed in 2025?

Watch our recent webinar where our international panel of higher education experts discuss the predictions, challenges, and opportunities facing the international student recruitment landscape. 

The Keystone Awards - nominate a student or institution now!

The Keystone Awards

Nominations are now open for the Keystone Awards!

Nominate an inspirational student or an education institution, team, faculty or school for their outstanding work. 

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